Working Committees



The Committee on Product Development shall, in collaboration with the general members, source and identify new products and destinations of interest to general tourism, and determine ways and means to develop and package them. It shall organize familiarization tours to the new destination and/or new products, as and when necessary.


The committee on Ways and Means shall plan and initiate means of improving the general financial conditions of the Association. It shall recommend and implement a yearly budget special assessment and fund drives whenever necessary. The committee on Ways and Means shall plan and initiate means of improving the general financial conditions of the Association. It shall recommend and implement a yearly budget special assessment and fund drives whenever necessary.


The Committee on Membership shall screen all applicants for membership and activities designed to increase membership from both the regular and allied members.


The Committee on Product Development shall, in collaboration with the general members, source and identify new products and destinations of interest to general tourism, and determine ways and means to develop and package them. It shall organize familiarization tours to the new destination and/or new products, as and when necessary.


The Committee on Ethics shall study and recommend to the Board of Trustees the adoption of a Code of Ethics and Standards. It shall also exercise vigilance over the members so they shall observe the Code. Also they shall construct, study, interpret, and make the proper recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the validity or application of its by-Laws and the existing or proposed laws and regulations affecting the Association or the Industry. It shall formulate and recommended proposed legislation, regulations, or amendments, and prepare position papers for the Association when these are required. it shall also study the legality or validity of action taken or proposed to be taken by the Association, its officers and members, the committees, or its representatives. And shall also be in charge solely of the complaints, grievances, and problems that may arise within and among the sectors of the Association.


The Committee on Programs & Fellowship shall carry out a well-planned program of meetings and activities designed to promote professional development, discuss projects, and resolve problems and in general, enhance fellowship among members.


The Committee on Public & Government Relation shall build the favorable image of the Association with the view to giving identity and recognition through mass media. It shall be in charge of the periodic publication of Association, the PHILTOA News.



The Committee on Programs & Fellowship shall carry out a well-planned program of meetings and activities designed to promote professional development, discuss projects, and resolve problems and in general, enhance fellowship among members.


The Committee on Public & Government Relation shall build the favorable image of the Association with the view to giving identity and recognition through mass media. It shall be in charge of the periodic publication of Association, the PHILTOA News.


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